Bassoon: Fagot.
Baton: batuta.
Bow: arco; to bow: frotar.
Brass instruments: instrumentos de viento metal.
Clarinet: clarinete.
Double bass: contrabajo.
Edge: bisel.
Electrophones: electrófonos.
Embouchure: embocadura.
French horn: trompa.
Guitar: guitarra.
Hammer: martillo.
Harp: arpa.
Horn: trompa.
To join: unir, juntar.
Lute: laúd.
Musical ensembles: conjuntos musicales.
Musician: músico.
Piccolo: flautín.
Player: Intérprete.
Recorder: flauta dulce
To pluck: puntear, pulsar.
To rub: rozar.
To scrape: raspar.
To shake: agitar.
To strike: golpear.
To hit: golpear.
Trombone (bone): trombón
Tuba: Tuba
Sleigh bell : cascabeles
Snare drum : tambor, caja.
Stick: palo.
String instruments: instrumentos de cuerda.
To Stretch: extender.
Reed: lengüeta (single-reed; double-reed).
Trumpet: trompeta.
To rub: frotar.
Violin: violín
Viola: viola
Cello: violonchelo
Woodwind instrument: instrumentos de viento madera.
The instruments in a symphonic orchestra are usually arranged in a specific way: each instrument has its own place. They are grouped in families: first, the string family; behind them, the woodwind family; then the brass instruments, and finally, the percussion section. The piano and the harp do not always appear in the orchestra – there are several pieces of music which do not need them. When they do appear, they are normally in front of the orchestra.